young person being mentoredYoung Leaders On Board - Applications are now closed

United Way’s Young Leaders on Board Program is a great way to get connected to the community at a leadership level and learn from some of the best leaders in the social sector. Young Leaders on Board provides board training to individuals between the ages of 20 and 39 who are looking to get actively involved in shaping the future of community. Participants must be from an area in Northeast Ontario covered by UWCNEO.

Through a combination of training, presentations and networking, program participants can expect to graduate from the 6-month program with the following:

  • A knowledge of board practices and the role boards play in organizations
  • Legal responsibilities of board members
  • How to work collaboratively for effective change
  • Building capacity in the community

Young Leaders on Board participants are matched to a local voluntary sector board as an intern and are expected to receive a board mentor throughout the duration of the program.

What does it mean to be a board intern?

Young Leaders interning on a local board are required to attend all board meetings during the period that the program is operating and participating as fully as they can. However, they are not allowed to vote, as they are not duly elected directors of the corporation. If the Young Leader is recruited to the board before completing the program, they must drop out of the program due to the liability issues involved.

What are the benefits to becoming involved in this program?

There are many benefits to being involved in this program. Young adults gain the knowledge and experience to become effective board members; organizations are involved in building the capacity of their communities and have an excellent opportunity to recruit new board members; the community benefits because they have more knowledgeable citizens who are ready to take on a leadership position.

What are the duties of a board mentor?

The primary role of the mentor in the Young Leaders on Board Program is to help integrate the intern into the Board of Directors. The mentor will also provide information to the intern and be available to answer questions.

When will the program operate?

This virtual program will operate between the months of September 2023 and April 2024. Young Leaders will be expected to attend board meetings for the six-month period that the program is operating. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2023. Participant interviews will take place over the summer and if the program is filled earlier than September, applications will be closed. Aspiring participants are encouraged to apply early.