Le Fonds de réponse communautaire a pour but d’offrir une aide financière souple et à court terme aux organismes de bienfaisance qui fournissent du soutien en première ligne aux personnes dans le besoin.

Les répercussions de votre générosité et de votre soutien continuent d’aider de nombreuses personnes de notre région. Merci.


1 800 000 $

Des fonds d’urgence de ont été accordés à des organismes de bienfaisance locaux qui répondent aux besoins fondamentaux des personnes âgées vulnérables.


programmes et services ont reçu du financement.

Merci de montrer votre #amourlocal en cette période de crise mondiale.

Votre soutien a eu une influence positive sur les organismes communautaires ci-dessous en cette période sans précédent.

Emergency Community Support Fund - Funded By The Government of Canada

Funded by the Government of Canada


The Government of Canada’s $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund aims to help charities and non-profit organizations adapt and increase frontline services for vulnerable populations during COVID-19. The ECSF is administered in collaboration with United Way Centraide Canada, Community Foundations of Canada and the Canadian Red Cross. Locally, UWCNEO has deployed ECSF funding to the following charities and qualified donees to help ensure that essential programs are available throughout the region.

Emergency Community Support Fund R2 - Funded By The Government of Canada

Funded by the Government of Canada


The Government of Canada released the balance of the $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) through a second round of funding. These funds are supporting communities continuing to address the impact of the pandemic.

Community Response Fund

North East Ontario


UWCNEO established the CFR to provide emergency grants to local charitable organizations working to meet the basic needs of individuals disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19). These short-term, emergency grants were focused to three key pillars; Community Services, Help for Seniors, and Basic Needs.

New Horizons for Seniors Program - Funded By The Government of Canada

Funded by the Government of Canada


The $9M fund to support vulnerable seniors announced by the Federal Government under the New Horizons Seniors Program (March 29, 2020) was distributed through the United Way Centraide network for investment in senior-serving agencies in communities across Canada providing urgent support to isolated seniors dealing with the impact of COVID-19 measures. Locally, UWCNEO worked closely with our community to identify needs, and to deploy resources efficiently and effectively.

Merci de votre soutien.

Nous tenons à vous remercier notre communauté de son soutien remarquable, indéfectible et généreux.