Celebrating National AcessAbility Week

As we step into National AccessAbility Week from May 26 to June 1, 2024, United Way North East Ontario/Nord-est de l’Ontario is proud to celebrate the invaluable contributions of persons with disabilities and the allies, organizations, and communities dedicated to fostering accessibility and inclusion. This year's theme, "Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All," is an important reminder that creating a barrier-free community requires the collective effort of all of us.

Creating a truly inclusive society is not the work of individuals alone. It requires the unwavering support of allies, organizations, and communities committed to breaking down barriers. This National AccessAbility Week, we celebrate the tireless efforts of those who advocate for accessibility, implement inclusive practices, and strive to create environments where everyone can thrive. Their work is essential in building a society that values and respects the contributions of all its members.

While significant strides towards accessibility have been made across Canada, the work is far from over. United Way remains dedicated to advancing accessibility and inclusion through various initiatives and partnerships. We support programs that provide education, resources, and advocacy to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of life.

The theme "Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All" encapsulates the spirit of unity and collaboration. Our community's strength lies in the diversity of its people—all its people—and we each have a role to play.  Here are some ways you can get involved:

Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the barriers faced by persons with disabilities and share this knowledge within your community.

Support Inclusive Initiatives: Volunteer with organizations that are working towards accessibility and inclusion.

Advocate for Change: Use your voice to advocate for policies and practices that promote accessibility in all areas of our community.

As we celebrate National AccessAbility Week 2024, let us commit to moving forward together, united in our efforts to build a more inclusive and accessible Northern Ontario.